January 14, 2010

Haiti Disaster 1

On January 12, 2010 Haiti was directly above the epicenter of an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the richter scale. Most news stations report that 100,000 people were killed, but they aren't certain. As you can see in the picture above, a lot of injured people have been carried away in the beds of trucks. A lot Haitian's say "It feels like the end of the world." It's a really sad thing to think about because most of the population lives on $2 dollars a day, so I don't think that they can see a good doctor. The Red Cross has been hard at work though. About 1,000,000 people have been helped by them. I hope with all my heart that the Haitian's will have a better future. But we still have a lot to go through before then.


Michael said...

You are correct in bringing together the two ideas of how bad this disaster is, plus the idea of the population being exceedingly poor to begin with. That combination is really difficult for a people to surmount. :-(


Jubi said...

I agree what you told us about what the Haitian's said. I also think it's a really sad thing to know too!