September 07, 2009

The Wide Window

The Wide Window
Lemony Snicket
Yet again, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire move, this time to Aunt Josephines house near Lake Lachrymose by Damocles Dock. Aunt Josephine is a very timid person, and didn't realized that when had befriended Captian Sham, he was really Count Olaf! When Aunt Josephine's stange and mind-rattling disapperance turns the well-oiled gears in the orphans heads, they realize that they have to save her before they fall into Count Olaf's clutches. My favorite part is when Aunt Josephine shows them the house and what not to touch, like the sofa, welcome mat, doorknobs, stove, and telephone. This is a really great book. I hope you will put the effort into reading it!!

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