March 08, 2010

Please Comment!!!

Let's face it: nobody check these blogs anymore. You know why? Because we haven't (1) gotten much homework or (2) don't know what to post.

Some of you guys do view the blogs, but what's the difference if you don't comment? I have to admit this. I'm getting a bit antsy. I post stuff, it sits there for a few weeks, and around the point where I stop checking for comments, I get one. But all it says is "nice job" or "that was random". So can you guys do me a favor? If you view the page, can you comment on at least 1 thing? That brings me to another thing: Reactions.

I put the reactions there to see what the...well...reactions were from viewers. But nowadays, the closest thing I get to comments when I ask for them is a reaction. That's nice, but I would like some words. :)

Oh yeah. Please check out the CAR TALK - NPR page. (especially the adults.) If you are from the states and listened to the radio on weekends while you were there, you should get a kick out of this. :)

Anyway, please comment on my page if you can because I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys have to say. Thanks! - Maya


Lisa said...

It's interesting to comment on blogs and I don't get why people write so short comments like "good job", "great writing"...
It's interesting what you wrote.

Middle School Si Won said...

ok... i am getting on blogger in a month. i noticed also that nobody comes to blogger. But maybe it would be better if Mr. Hughes returns...

hellen said...

weeeellll... some kids here at TAS has been saying that JIS people aren't posting as often. so there isn't much to comment on. but probably will start commenting now that it seems like you've begun again.... -hellen (:

hellen said...

umm... and... not to mention... you guys don't comment on our posts either. -hellen.
PS please do. we also want comments.

Maya ♥ said...

Well, I kinda forgot your classes addresses. I'll talk to you on gmail, kk?

- DDR48

Yong Hee Lee said...

umm very random(no offense) but i agree on the part where people dont do blogger anymore except for homework usage, because me myself didnt log onto blogger during the breaks and weekends

Maya ♥ said...

ur right : | nobody used blogger back then...