March 30, 2010

Plastic Bottles? Yeah Right

In class, Mr. Hughes was talking to us about the Kontiki, a boat designed by Norweigian Knut Haugland, who believed that people living in the primitive age could travel across bodies of water on rafts, and therefore tested this theory by sailing his boat across the Pacific.Then a few other people got an idea.

This is no joke. The Plastiki, designed by adventure ecologist David de Rothschild, is a boat made mainly out of 12,000 gas-filled recycled plastic bottles. That might sound dumb (it did to me, until I heard what kinds of stuff they have on), but check out the high-tech gear they have on this baby:

- solar panels
- pinwheels

- bicycle for extra power
- hydroponic veggie garden

The crew includes:
- Jo Royle, Skipper
- Mathew Gray, Coodinator
- David de Rothschild, Founder

They will be sailing together from San Fransisco, California to Sydney, Australia. But that isn't their goal. Their goal is to renew the awareness of plastic waste being dumped into the oceans, something that has been a problem for years but has slowly slipped from our attention. If you would like to see more about the Plastiki, visit:


Michael said...

Nice work here, Maya. I like that you connected it a little bit to the Kontiki. I believe you'd be interested in reading about that adventure as well.

Too much plastic in the oceans...


Unknown said...

Great job Maya! I like how you put the picture of the Kontiki boat and the connection between the kontiki boat and the plastiki boat. I also like the part when you said 'but that isn't there goal.' :)

Middle school Neil said...

OK that was alright i noe there are a lot of plastic in the ocean u even said the crews names good job

Ivan Zhang said...

Nice work on the post, I like how u put the kontiki pic in your blog post, you also listed out the high tech gears on the ship and the crews

Maya ♥ said...

Thanks you guys :)

Unknown said...

LOVE your blog! The format is awesome!:)

Yong Hee Lee said...

Another change of template

Maya ♥ said...

shut up :D