November 03, 2009

Sick Day Trick (Poem)

I didn't want to go to school
and so I played a trick.
I coughed and wheezed and blew my nose
so my mom thought I was sick.
I slowly walked downstairs and lay
across the kitchen table.
When my mom said "Sit up straight!"
I sighed, "If I were able."
She looked at me a bit suprised
but felt my cheeks and head.
I told her I'd feel better
If i read a book in bed.
Mom sort of laughed but kept me home
But there's one thing that I forgot -
Today is Saturday!


Nadia Kalindas said...

Funny poem Maya I like it.

Nora Trapp said...


I love this poem. It kinda reminds me of what my brother did so he didn't have to go to school, and do a test. My favorite part was when you noticed that you did all that for nothing, because today is Saturday!!! LOL

Maya ♥ said...

Hi!! I loved that poem? Did u?