Ad - Ivan's T-Mobile Dance
Purpose - To let people know that T-Mobile can send anything to anywhere at anytime FAST, what good dancing looks like :)
Target Audience - Anybody looking for a phone to buy
Effective How? - Shows people what kind of a situation you could be in where you will need to send something cool FAST, catchy songs and dances
(I would post the video, but my computer was being stupid so sorry...will try later)
I haven't seen Ivan's, but I think it will be really cool. Great job.
Nic job maya, but u know what T-Mobile is really bad SERIOUSLY!!! I know from experience
same usd 2 hav a tmobile but the comercial was actually funny
Hey, I have T-moble! Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad. :-)(
I'd like to see the dance, Maya, if you ever post it.
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