This is no joke. The Plastiki, designed by adventure ecologist David de Rothschild, is a boat made mainly out of 12,000 gas-filled recycled plastic bottles. That might sound dumb (it did to me, until I heard what kinds of stuff they have on), but check out the high-tech gear they have on this baby:

- solar panels
- pinwheels
- bicycle for extra power
- hydroponic veggie garden
The crew includes:
- Jo Royle, Skipper
- Jo Royle, Skipper
- Mathew Gray, Coodinator
- David de Rothschild, Founder
They will be sailing together from San Fransisco, California to Sydney, Australia. But that isn't their goal. Their goal is to renew the awareness of plastic waste being dumped into the oceans, something that has been a problem for years but has slowly slipped from our attention. If you would like to see more about the Plastiki, visit: