For a long time, I have been bugging my parents to get me a pet. I was really laying it on them last week when my mom suggested that I write a 'proposal.' She said that a proposal would: (1) strengthen my persuasive writing skills :D (2) how that I was responsible enough to take care of one by telling her what I would do to take care of it. So I did a little research.
I always thought cats were cute and all (and I really wanted one for almost four years.) But my mom brought a few things to my attention: (1) Here, the cats are small enough to crawl through the barbed wire on top of the walls and can go into someone elses yard (2) If the cat is let outside, it has an opportunity to go through the garbage can (3) can jump the pool fence and drown :( (4) will take a long time to get trained to the litter box. And as you have probably guessed, I don't want to walk around my house stepping in cat poop. So I looked at dog breeds.
There was this really informative website with this HUGE list of dog breeds. I wanted a German Sheperd, BUT my mom said that it might not be good when we have guests over AND the dog I picked couldn't be huge. So I picked a small dog that looked kind of like a German Sheperd with a funny name: a Shiba Inu.
THEY ARE SOOOOO CUTE!! They make good guard dogs but can be agressive. Shiba Inu's are also hyper a lot (like me) and need a lot of exercise. I thought about this and made a really good four-page-long (including cover page) proposal and sent it downstairs.
The next morning, my mom and dad came to talk to me about it. They said it was really well written and sounded like I was going to do a lot to take care of it. BUT...they said I had to pick a different breed because they could be a bit agressive with strangers
:(. I guess I have to keep looking.
OR, you can wait for Marco to have puppies!! Yay!! Good luck! You should get a Labrador Retriever, same needs only cuter!
Try to get a puppy, not a grown up! It'll be easier to train or change his 'manners' if needed.
PS: Dont wait for Marco to have puppies, takes a long time and possibly wont happen!
:D we'll see about that
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