October 04, 2009


Eleanor H. Porter (adapted by Marion Leighton)
Pollyanna Whittier's parents have died and has had to move in with her Aunt Polly. Aunt Polly has always been a person who would always do their duty, and now with a child in the house, Aunt Polly finds it really hard to do her duty. But Pollyanna has a secret weapon, a game that her father taught her to play. But when she gets in an accident and becomes paralyzed, it becomes almost to hard to play. And will the town play it with her? My favorite part of the story is when Pollyanna meets Mrs. Snow. Mrs. Snow has an illness and has to stay in bed all the time, and Pollyanna is the only one that comes to visit her, and every time she comes, she brings a little present or offers a service to the crippled lady. This is a sweet and heartwarming book.

1 comment:

Hyun Jin said...

I read Pollyanna too,except in Korean and in a shorter version. My favorite part was when Pollyanna learns to walk again after being paralyzed. I agree with you. This is a classic, heart-warming book.