July 29, 2011


I'm moving to Pondok Indah! Yeah~! (Like 3 minutes away from your house Sultana, no joke)

Yeah. We found some awesome houses, and this one house we really liked had this HUGE basement and master bedroom and just tons of space. My mom said "Maya, you could have some sick parties here." (OMG Mom, did you seriously just say that! LOL XD) But the landlady was a crab so we had to move on.

We found another one and the landlord is really accommodating and stuff, so we pretty much have it. My dad's company has to do inspections and stuff, but I'm not really worried about that.

It turns out that the house was David P.'s (one of Cecily's friends. He had a party and they played Spin The Bottle...very awkwardly if I might add :D) and she get's his old room. It's SO BIG! IT'S NOT FAIR!!

Oh wells. It's a nice house and I get to walk by Sultana's in the morning to get to school! :D Awesomeness

July 24, 2011

*rolls over on my bed*

I think I'm going to tunnel under the covers and hide from humanity now...someone wake me up when school starts. And please feed my fish so they don't die.


July 18, 2011

Me and My Art Stuffs

Ok. Most of you guys know that I'm a artist, yesh? (if you didn't you know now ^.^) Manga, photography and photo-editing-type-stuff. All cool and everything. Click me, look at the stuff, then continue reading please.

Well, I draw all my stuff on paper. Makes lots of sense because I kind of suck at digital art. It just looks horrible when I go into my drawing apps and use my mouse. Eugh... though I have to admit, some of them are really great, like Psykopaint...

Anyhoo, an old friend of mine suggested I should ask my parents for a Graphic Tablet for my birthday. And me, being the dummy I am not knowing much about it, looked it up on Google. If you're a noob too, click me.

Cool, right? Apparently, you can get huge ones and little ones, wireless ones and ones with mouses and stuffs :3 Well, it seemed like a way better option than using my mouse for stuff, and it would improve the overall appearance of my art (I use watercolor pencils a lot and it looks iffy sometimes cause it's not even -__-)

Though, one thing I'm wondering is if I can use the art apps I've gotten off the chrome store on my tablet. Y'know, like Sketchpad and deviantART muro and plain old boring Paint...I bet you can, but I'm not sure *wonders for a few moments*

Besides tablets, I'm trying desperately to promote my deviantART. Visit the site!! (It's the first link in the post if you didn't check it out earlier. Oh and that reminds me. I also need a camera. I lost mine on 6th grade ESP and I have to photograph my work with my webcam. So damn sad...)

THE END *giggles* I'm such a weirdo~

July 12, 2011

*shoves hands in my pockets*

I don't really think I'm gonna blog a lot anymore (it's not like I have been anyway...*sigh*) I mean, I just have other stuff going on, and I'm not really making it a regular thing, and truthfully, I don't plan to. I might close it all together :/ No one reads it anyway, except Sultana...occasionally :P

It's not the end of the world though. Don't cry too hard. You can still keep up with me on my sites (the top of the right-hand sidebar). I use those very regularly, so you can check them out.

Oh! Skype! Yeah, if you wanna skype me or something, I'm kittymangalove23. I have to know you, though. If your some random rapist, then piss off please. I won't accept you.
